First to Follow
Follow Him’ Schönweide meets the famous Dodona line
Embryo transfer
Life ID
DE 433330753924
Caterina Schulz-Beelitz
24321 Behrensdorf
Value added Tax rate
the same
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Follow Him's Schönweide
| Follow Me | Fürstenball | Fürst Heinrich |
St.Pr./El. Cariana | Donnerschwee | ||
St.Pr./El. Bellissima PJF | Sir Donnerhall I | Sandro Hit | |
VbPr Bonita | Rohdiamant | ||
| Benaggio | Benvenuto | Breitling W |
Donatella | Dimaggio | ||
Dantine | De Niro | Donnerhall | |
Andona | Rosenkavalier | ||
First to Follow is a particularly charming offspring of Follow Him’s Schönweide. He is the half-brother of the licensed stallion Jovial (by Jovian), who changed owners for €370,000 as the second-highest priced horse at the 2021 stallion market. The maternal line has produced numerous licensed stallions and internationally successful sport horses, supporting this offer with a promising pedigree. With expansive movements and a constant uphill tendency, First to Follow impressed and secured the bronze medal as a premium colt in the championship final ring. Thus, First to Follow is an attractive offer for both stallion breeders and sport riders.
1. Generation
Stamm der Dodona
gekörte Hengste: Jovial v. Jovian
gekörte Hengste: Bayard v. Breitling W (DR PSG/Inter I/A erfolgr.)
3. Generationgekörte Hengste: Bentheim v. Belvedere DB
Sportpferde: Der Edelstein 3 v. Depardieu (DR PSG erfolgr.)
gekörte Hengste: u.a. Bordeaux v. United (DR int. Grand Prix erfolgr./Isabell Freese), Rubinsten I (DR int. Grand Prix erfolgr.)-II v. Rosenkavalier, Romancier v. Rosenkavalier (DR int. PSG/Inter I erfolgr.), Royal Angelo I-II v. Rosenkavalier, Rhytmic Dancer (DR Grand Prix erfolgr.) v. Rosenkavalier, Ritterstern v. Rheingold (PSG/Inter I erfolgr.), Kaiser Franz v. Krack C (DR S erfolgr.), Simplement le Meilleur v. Sunny-Boy (DR S erfolgr.), Tesla v. Vitalis (Prämienhengst MS'17), Flower King D v. Feinbrand, Esperado v. Escolar
Sportpferde: Ahlerich v. Angelo xx (DR int. Grand Prix erfolgr./Dr. Reiner Klimke u.a. Olympiasieger Seoul, Los Angeles, Weltmeister, Europameister), Rembrandt v. Romadour II (DR int. Grand Prix erfolgr./Isabell Uphoff u.a. Olympiasieger Seoul, Barcelona, Weltmeister, Europameister), Amon v. Angelo xx (DR int. Grand Prix erfolgr./Annemarie Sanders-Keyzer/NED, Floridus 2 v. Feinbrand (DR Grand Prix erfolgr./Oliver Oelrich), Bright Crystal v. Breitling W (DR PSG/Inter I/A erfolgr.), Sergio 26 v. Sandro Hit (DR PSG erfolgr.), Soul Man 2 v. Sandro Hit (DR PSG/Inter I erfolgr.), Esprit Dond D v. Johnson (DR Grand Prix erfolgr.) uvm. Auktionspferde: Di-Angelo v. De Niro (Elite-Auktion April'04/115.000 €), Simply the best v. Sunny-Boy (Elite-Auktion Okt.'06/60.000 €), Don Carpintero v. Dante Weltino (Westf. Sommer-Auktion'16/70.000 €)
Dam: | Bellissima |
ZL: | 5/6 |