Lot 11

Implanted Embryo

Dam gave birth to three licensed sons



Expected date of Birth


Embryo Type

Implanted Embryo

Life ID

Not registered yet


Not registered yet


Not registered yet


ZG Kellermann Dieter u. Christel Kellermann
48301 Nottuln

Value added Tax rate



the same

Auction Terms
To view these documents, your registration must be completed.

The recipient mare is the genetic mother and remains in Germany in the care of the owner. There are pension costs of 350,00 € (VAT included) per month.

Additional information: If interested, documents concerning the embryo can be requested.

Proven line with the hero of Rotterdam. Dam Code Luna already gave birth to three licensed sons, including full brother Cemal, the 2017 Westphalian champion.

1. Generation

FURINA, Hannover Stutenstamm 4195003, Schridde 857
gekörte Hengste:
Harrison v. Harley VDL (SPR int. 1,40 m erfolgr.), Cemal v. Comme il faut NRW (SPR int. 1,45 m erfolgr./Frederick Troschke), MS 2020 v. Plot Blue

3. Generation

gekörte Hengste: Up to date v. Upan la Jarthe (SPR int. 1,60 m erfolgr./Michael Whitaker/GBR), Monti Obolensky v. Monte Bellini (SPR int. 1,40 m erfolgr.)

The Buyer has the option to take out insurance cover on the embryos being sold. Directly on signing the purchase contract, the Buyer must inform the Organiser whether corresponding insurance cover should be taken out on the Buyer's behalf and at the Buyer's expense. Insurance cover will not be taken out insofar as the Buyer makes no declaration to this effect immediately after the conclusion of the purchase contract.