ONLINE2. SWB Elite Showjumping Foals Online Auction
Swedish Showjumping sport is at the top of the world! Team Sweden with Peder Fredricson in the lead has had immense success the last few years with Olympic Gold in Tokyo as the greatest feat. Just last week Catch Me Not S (SWB) by Cardento/Ramiro's Son captured the individual bronze medal in the European Championshi...
View moreONLINE2. SWB Elite Dressage Foals Online Auction
Join the growing global community of SWB horse owners! Bred for performance, raised for longevity and soundness the SWB is a true testament to the modern sport horse. International bloodlines, many paired with the true-blue blood of the SWB. The collection of foals is hand-picked out of hundreds of foals by our expe...
View moreONLINESWB Showjumping Foal Auction - 2021 Summer Edition
SWB-bred showjumpers are sought after all over the world and there are many good reasons for that! Bred for performance, raised for longevity and soundness the Swedish Warmblood is a true testament for the modern sport horse. It is no surprise that Steve Guerdat – the number one showjumping rider in the world - and ...
View moreONLINE1. SWB Elite Showjumping Foals Online Auction
The Swedes are going global for the first time! Bred for performance, raised for longevity and soundness the SWB is a true testament to the modern sport horse. Sought after worldwide with international bloodlines, many paired with the true-blue blood of the SWB. The collection of jumping foals is hand-picked out of hun...
View moreONLINE1. SWB Elite Dressage Foals Online Auction
The Swedish Warmblood Association is going global for the first time! Bred for performance, raised for longevity and soundness the SWB is a true testament to the modern sport horse. International bloodlines, many paired with the true-blue blood of the SWB. The collection of foals is hand-picked out of hundreds of foa...
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