As of knock-down, all of the foals purchased at this auction are insured with

R+V Versicherungs AG

Vereinigte Tierversicherung a.G.

Raiffeisenplatz 1, D-65189 Wiesbaden

Tel. +49 (0) 6 11 - 53 33 972, Fax +49 (0) 6 11 - 53 37 73 972

For 1.79 % (incl. insurance tax) of subtotal 2 (see Point C), the insurance cover for foals ends on 31.12. of the respective year, at least with the completion of the 7th month of life. The insurance cover includes:

80 % indemnification for death or putting down in an emergency due to illness or an accident

80 % indemnification for permanent unfitness for use due to illness or accident

Included in insurance coverage is every transport within the insured period (land, air or sea) to the first buyer’s stables. The maximum sum insured for foals is, 100.000,--  Euro incl. costs and VAT. The insurance contract is based on the German insurance law AVP TLP 01/2008.

A continuation of the insurance at the cost of the buyer/owner may be concluded in the auction office or within the insured period with the above given insurance company. There is no waiting period.

If you are interested, please contact:

Mr. Heiko Meinen, 

VTV General Representative

Deichweg 26, D-26689 Apen

Tel. +49 (0) 44 89 - 94 04 90, Fax +49 (0) 44 89 - 94 04 91

Mr. Meinen will also be present during the auction and can be reached under the mobile phone number 

+49 (0)1 72 - 5 49 16 10.

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