Another partial amount of 23,700 euros transferred to “Doctors without Borders e.V.”

Yesterday we transferred another partial amount of 23,700 euros to “Doctors without Borders e.V.”. Thus, after the first transfer of 62,100 euros to "Equiwent Hilfe: Tier & Mensch e.V." and the payments of 58,200 euros to "Doctors Without Borders e.V.", a total of 120,300 euros from our collection campaign "HORSE24 Charity Ukraine 2022" were received supplied to aid organizations.

A generous breeder from Austria surprised us with a transfer where she added another 2,400 euros to the stud fee vouchers. We would like to say a big thank you for that. The total sum of our collection campaign thus increases to 126,500 euros.

In the interests of everyone, we ask all those who have not yet paid their stud fee vouchers to do so as soon as possible.

Transfer confirmation from VR-Bank Ellwangen

Partial amount of 34,500 euros transferred to “Doctors without Borders e.V.”

In order to avoid further delays, we have decided to transfer the amounts of 34,500 euros from the "HORSE24 Charity Ukraine 2022" collection campaign received by this morning to the aid organization "Doctors Without Borders". We hope that the remaining 27,500 euros will be credited to the account in the coming days so that we can immediately donate the remaining amount to the aid organization "Doctors Without Borders".

Transfer confirmation from VR-Bank Ellwangen

First transfer made - 62,100 euros to "Equiwent Hilfe: Tier & Mensch e.V."

We are pleased to have transferred the first 50% of the total proceeds from the "HORSE24 Charity Ukraine 2022" collection campaign to "Equiwent Hilfe: Tier & Mensch e.V." today.

Due to an additional sum of 100 euros that a generous breeder added to the knockdown price of her stud fee voucher, the sum increased by another 100 euros. HORSE24 increased the total proceeds from its own funds by a further EUR 10,000.

As soon as the remaining money has been received in the VR-Bank Ellwangen account set up especially for the collection campaign, we will, as announced, transfer the second 50% (62,000 euros) of the collection campaign to “Doctors Without Borders e.V.” and announce this here.

Transfer confirmation from VR-Bank Ellwangen

The transparency of the charity auction Ukraine is very important to us

All bidders who have been awarded one of the 112 stud fee vouchers after the end of the auction will be automatically notified by email. In another e-mail we will then send you the account details in order to transfer the amount of the respective stud fee voucher.

After the amounts have been credited to an account set up especially for this charity auction at the bank VR-Bank Ellwangen, HORSEMEDIA GmbH will add a further 10,000 euros to the total proceeds of the auction. The total amount will then be shared equally between the aid organizations "Equiwent Hilfe: Tier & Mensch e.V." and "Doctors without Borders e.V." without any deduction of costs.

The transfers to the aid organizations are confirmed in writing by the bank VR-Bank Ellwangen. We will publish this confirmation here.

HORSEMEDIA GmbH deliberately will not have donation receipts issued by the aid organizations "Equiwent Hilfe: Tier & Mensch e.V." and "Doctors without Borders e.V.", which benefit from our collection campaign. Should donation receipts nevertheless be received from these aid organizations, we will not use them for our tax and economic advantage. Upon request, we will be happy to submit a confirmation from our tax advisor after submitting the tax return for 2022.

If you have any further questions, we are always at your disposal.

Simon Kohlenbrenner

Managing Director

List of all the stallion studs and owners, who supported us for this Charity Auction with Stud Fee vouchers.


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